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Black and white logo for Cuts and Paste Gallery in bold sans serif  font.
Tues.- Sat. 12-6pm
Sun. and Mon. closed
Image of a variety of framed and unframed art available from the gallery.



Dates à noter :

20 avril - Cosy Collage, 12h-15h COMPLET

Créez un collage, mangez des croissants et dégustez une boisson au Rambler's Cafe.

30 avril - Soirée Collage, 18h-20h

Événement de collage auto-dirigé avec tout le matériel fourni.

11 mai - Journée mondiale du collage, Open City Halifax, réception d'ouverture « Les averses d'avril apportent les fleurs de mai »

Entre midi et 18 heures, les gens sont invités à venir fabriquer du papier contenant des graines qui seront plantées après utilisation. De 18h à 20h, la galerie organisera une réception ouverte pour l'exposition collective « April Showers Bring May Flowers ».









"Deep Cuts" - Une série qui aborde le chagrin et les cicatrices qu'il peut nous laisser.


Ce spectacle se déroulera du 11 avril au 9 mai.


Artistes présentés : Rhonda Barrett


Apprenez-en davantage sur cette émission ici.

Poster for the current exhibition, Deep Cuts by Rhonda Barrett


Resource Center - $8 fee:

The gallery has all the resources for those who wish to try collage for themselves in a self-directed way. It is always appreciated to know ahead of time if you wish to use the resource center so the table and chairs can be set up for you, but, you can also just show up during open hours. 

Contact the gallery to book a time.


Collage Get-togethers - $50-150 (ages 14 and up)

The gallery has space for up to 6 people to enjoy collage together. This is great for team building exercises, birthday parties or a night out for your creative and non-creative friends. All supplies for collaging are provided. 


Collage Get-Together A - Self-directed

Space and resources for up to 6 people to create collage works is provided. Attendees are allowed to bring their own food and drink. There will be minimal to no guidance. $50 for up to 2.5 hours. Contact the gallery to book a time.


Collage Get-Together B - Mini Workshop

Space and resources for up to 6 people to create collage works is provided. Attendees are allowed to bring their own food and drink. There will be a 30 minute guided workshop in a collage technique that can be used in the finished work. $120 for up to 2.5 hours. Contact the gallery to book a time.


Collage Get-Together C - Full Workshop

Space and resources for up to 6 people to create collage works is provided. Attendees are allowed to bring their own food and drink. A fully guided workshop of at least 2 hours will be given to guide attendees to finished work. $150 for up to 2.5 hours. Contact the gallery to book a time.

The art gallery set up for collage night or for an art workshop in some collage technique/s.

Cuts and Paste est la 1ère galerie au Canada offrant UNIQUEMENT du collage et de l'assemblage. Il représente actuellement plus de 20 artistes de partout au Canada de son emplacement North End Halifax. Il offre 

reproductions et originaux, cartes postales, cartes et sculpture.


L'espace est disponible à la location pour des événements de collage ou des célébrations en petits groupes.


Il a ouvert en janvier 2023.

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